In a disturbing incident, a first-year student of the Punjab Group of Colleges (PGC) Lahore, Campus 10, has allegedly been raped by a security guard at the basement of the college. As per reports, the security guard, reportedly been identified as “Aun” has sexually assaulted and raped a PGC female student. However, following the heart-wrenching incident, massive protests erupted at PGC Campuses across Lahore.
پنجاب کالج کے مختلف کیمپس میں طلباء سراپا احتجاج، پولیس، انتظامیہ کا لاٹھی چارج، طلباء کا کسی صورت پیچھے نہ ہٹنے کا فیصلہ، ریپ کا طلباء کے انصاف کا مطالبہ، پاکستان بدل گیا، ناانصافی کیخلاف ہر کوئی بولنے لگا۔۔۔!!!
— Mughees Ali (@mugheesali81) October 14, 2024
A large number of students came out from Campus 10, Campus 16 and from other institutions as well, demanding for justice for the girl. However, it is pertinent to mention here that clashes erupted between students and the Punjab police personnel during the protests as the police was trying to disperse the crowd and started arresting the students.
طالبہ #ریپ واقعہ تکلیف دے اور درد ناک ہے اس ظلم کے خلاف احتجاج کرنے والے طلبا پر تشدد اورگرفتاریاں پولیس مظالم کی معمولی جھلک ہے.افسوس کے چند پولیس افسراپنے محکمے کی بدنامی کا باعث ہیں۔پرکشش عہدے کے بھوکوں کی بجائے دیانتدار، قانون کے مطابق کام کرنے والے افسر تعینات کرنا ہونگے
— Arif Hameed Bhatti (@arifhameed15) October 14, 2024
On the other hand, the protesting students across Lahore demonstrated full dedication and commitment to keep their protests until justice is served. As per the reports, the alleged security guard has been arrested by the police but no First Information Report (FIR) has been filed as of now by the victim’s family.
سال کے شروع میں یہ سیکیورٹی کے نام پر ہماری بہنوں کی حفاظت کیلئے یہ پیسے لیتے ہیں، یہ کیا حفاظت کررہے ہیں؟ ظلم یہ ہے ریپ ہوا اور اس کو اب چھپایا جارہا ہے، طلباء
— Anas Gondal (@AnasGondal19) October 14, 2024
The police began arresting several students who were protesting for their rights as well as the rights of the victim in order to disperse the crowd. The police also began beating some students due to which one of the students receive serious injuries. He was then transported to the Service Hospital on Jail Road by Rescue 1122 and was given emergency services.
پنجاب کالج کے باہر احتجاج
— Muhammad Umair (@MohUmair87) October 14, 2024
پولیس اور طلباء آمنے سامنے
Furthermore, the Punjab Education Department has also suspended the registration for the Punjab Group of Colleges (PGC) Gulberg Campus until further notice. It should be noted that protests have also been escalated to other campuses of the college including Muslim Town and Airline Society.

The Punjab Education Minister, Rana Sikandar Hayat, also arrived at the campus and assured the students that strict action will be taken against the culprit by conducting a thorough investigation. However, the protests are still continued as students are raising voice for the rights of the victim.
پنجاب کالج کے طلباء کو پولیس مارنے آئی لیکن پھر طلباء نے یکجہتی کا مظاہرہ کیا، پولیس طلباء کی اکثریت اور جذباتی نعروں کو دیکھ کر پیچھے ہٹ گئی۔۔۔!!!
— Mughees Ali (@mugheesali81) October 14, 2024
insaf should prevail