In a shocking revelation, the Telegram’s founder and creator, Paul Durov, has been arrested at the French “Le Bourget” airport while he was with his bodyguard and a woman. The investigation centers around claims that the platform has been used for terrorism and drug trafficking purposes. As per the reports, Durov has been detained on the charges of terrorism, drug smuggling, money laundering, fraud and handling stolen goods.
It should be noted that the French authorities already had a search warrant for him based on preliminary investigations when he returned from Azerbaijan to the French airport. The platform is under scrutiny for allegedly allowing terrorism and drug trafficking to flourish unchecked.
The 39-year-old businessman will be presented in the court shortly for the charges being levied against him. Reports suggest that Durov may face 20 years in prison due to allegations of inaction against criminal activities on his platform. The charges against him involve serious allegations related to terrorism and drug trafficking on the platform.
Furthermore, it has been reported about Durov that, “He allowed an incalculable number of offences and crimes to be committed, for which he did nothing to moderate or cooperate.”
It’s important to note that on the social media platform X, people have been actively discussing the recent arrest of Durov, speculating about the reasons behind it. Many users are voicing their concerns, with some claiming that an injustice has been done. They argue that Durov has always been a strong advocate for free speech, refusing to impose any restrictions on users’ rights to express themselves. Ironically, this very stance may have led to his current situation, sparking widespread debate online. Below are some tweets capturing these discussions and questioning the fairness of his arrest.

Whatever the cause, either it is charges for terrorism and drug trafficking, the news is both shocking and saddening—seeing the founder of a major social media platform like Telegram arrested has taken many by surprise. Now, all eyes are on how the case will unfold and whether he will be convicted of the charges brought against him. Only time will tell what lies ahead in this unexpected turn of events.
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