In a latest update, the PTI founder, Imran Khan, has filed an urgent appeal in the United Nations Special Rapporteur judges and lawyers regarding the issue of proposed constitutional amendments in Pakistan. It should be noted that Edward Fitzgerald KC, Tatyana Eatwell and Jennifer Robinson, have filed an urgent appeal in the UN on behalf of Imran Khan. These people will do the necessary engagements and talks with the UN regarding the subject matter.

Imran Khan, in the appeal, stated that the proposed constitutional amendments which the government is planning to do this week will be disastrous for the independence of judiciary in Pakistan. The appeal stated that it will also curtail the democratic rights of the 250 million people of Pakistan and will be a direct threat to their fundamental rights.

Edward Fitzgerald KC, Tatyana Eatwell and Jennifer Robinson, in this appeal on the behalf of Imran Khan and his family, wrote:
“The proposed amendments are clearly aimed at removing the jurisdiction and powers of the Supreme Court, at a time when the judiciary in Pakistan is already under threat. Judges have been threatened and coerced to deliver prescribed verdicts in controversial cases. The proposed amendments will entrench existing impunity for human rights violations committed by the military and security forces. Mr Khan and his family bring this urgent appeal to protect the independence of judges and rule of law, and to protect fundamental rights in Pakistan and every citizen’s ability to enforce those rights.”
Khan further stated in the appeal that this 26th constitutional amendment will form a new Federal Constitutional Court and the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court will be removed. Moreover, the Chief justice of this new federal constitutional court will be selected by a new National Assembly Committee. The problematic thing here is that the meetings of this committee will be done in private, sparking concerns about transparency and accountability.
Gharida Farooqi, a senior journalist, has stated in a tweet on social media platform, X, that Imran Khan has challenged an internal matter of the country to UN.
پاکستان کے اندرونی معاملے، مجوزہ 26ویں آئینی ترمیم کو، عمران خان نے اقوام متحدہ میں چیلنج کر دیا ۔۔۔۔
— Gharidah Farooqi (T.I.) (@GFarooqi) October 7, 2024
However, it is pertinent to mention here that this constitutional amendment if done, will entirely eliminate the ability of judicial review on the actions of Pakistan’s military and other security services, Khan said. Imran Khan stated that if this constitutional amendment is passed, then it will further strengthen the plans of government to carry forward a military trial against me and will undermine the judicial independence in Pakistan.